Thursday, May 05, 2005

FIVE DAYS IN AN IRA TRAINING CAMP ....... From the moment a new recruit enters the Irish Republican Army he or she undergoes a rigorous and intensive training to assess the individual Volunteer's level of commitment , general ability and particular aptitudes . After the initial recruitment lectures , this period includes training in personal security and anti-interrogation , basic intelligence work , political education - and of course training in the use of weapons . In this supplied article , a Volunteer in the IRA's Belfast Brigade describes his experience of taking part in an IRA training camp . From 'IRIS' magazine , November 1983 , pages 39 , 40 , 41 , 42, 43 , 44 and 45 . 5 ..

Back to work in the afternoon , talking about other aspects of an IRA Volunteer's work (other than firing a gun , that is ) . The first topic is Operational Intelligence , how to build up patterns of the enemy's movements , and to develop initial sources of intelligence to identify potential targets . Then we itemise the actual planning of an operation : the 'run-back' deployment of personnel , limiting their involvement to the 'need-to-know' , the use of houses and vehicles , the choice of weapons , and so on .

We discuss the need to cover every contingency for what may go wrong in the original plan of operation , the need for personal security , how informers utilise loose-talk , and how to maximise the anonymity and operational independence of an IRA Active Service Unit .

Finally , we discuss the all-important topic of building popular confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the IRA and its Volunteers , to the extent where sympathetic civilians are prepared to help in some aspect of military activity or to increase the level of their assistance . This covers areas such as providing safe houses for arms dumps , houses from which to group before an operation and to return to afterwards , meeting houses , call houses , wash houses (for use after firing/handling weapons) , grub houses , snippets of local intelligence on the enemy etc .

The list of possible assistance is endless , and includes of course the equally valuable non-military help which civilians can provide the Republican struggle with . It's now early evening ; time to get ready to leave .......

THE ARMALITE AND THE BALLOT BOX ....... " We have now established a sort of Republican veto . ......" Michael Farrell interviews Gerry Adams MP , vice-president of Sinn Fein . From 'MAGILL' magazine , July 1983 , pages 13 , 14 , and 17 .

... MICHAEL FARRELL asked : " What is your strategy now ? Will your success in the elections affect the balance between political and military action by the Republican Movement ? "

...GERRY ADAMS MP replied : " ... we have now established a sort of Republican veto which I believe will grow . And we want to politicise our own organisation . I don't think the election will make a big difference to the IRA's tactics . Although there have unfortunately been some exceptions over the last few weeks , the IRA has for some time been adopting more discriminating tactics , has been a bit more refined in its tactics . It is up to them to learn the lessons from the application of armed struggle .
I would be confident that if the IRA continue to refine their operations and make sure they have the maximum propaganda and political effect , there won't be any conflict between what they're doing and what we're doing . I think over the last few years the lessons of the previous period - the need for control , the need for a change in tactics , the need to militarise the war , to concentrate against the British , the RUC , and the UDR - have been learned by the IRA . "

MICHAEL FARRELL : " Revolutionary movements which use force usually argue that it is made necessary because political action is closed to them . Sinn Fein has been able to take political action very successfully recently . How does that , in your view, affect the justification for the use of force ? "

GERRY ADAMS MP : " It does'nt . I believe the use of force in the six counties is justified by the British presence . They don't give people much choice . At the end of the day they won't be argued or talked out ; a Movement that wants them out will either have to use force or the threat of force . " ('1169 ... ' Comment - at the time that Adams made that statement , Westminster claimed jurisdiction over our six north-eastern counties ; today , 22 years later , Westminster STILL claims jurisdiction over those same six counties . But "the use of force , or the threat of force " to remove that jurisdictional claim is no longer justified , according to Adams and his supporters . Why ? We suggest it is because , as Liam Mellows predicted in the Treaty debate , on 4th January 1922 - " Men will get into positions , men will hold power , and men who get into positions and hold power will desire to remain undisturbed and will not want to be removed . " That is the only context in which we would use Adams' name , and that of Liam Mellows , in the same sentence . And even that hurts . )


SEPARATIST MOVEMENT GROWS IN STRENGTH : analysis of recent General Election in the 26-Counties . From 'The United Irishman' newspaper , Aibrean [April] 1957 , page 7.(IML. IX. UIMHIR 4 - price Tri Pingin [Three Pennies].Thanks to my late friends Christy and Theresa L. for giving me this 48-year-old newspaper ; this thread published in memory of those two old Fenians ! - John.

The General Election in the 26 Counties State is over ; the Republican Movement is justly proud of the support given to its candidates . Some optimists may have hoped for better results in some of the constituencies contested . With a little more time and better organisation such hopes could have been realised .

However , when it is borne in mind that the spokesmen of the Republican Movement did not enter the ' political auction mart ' to bid for the votes of the electorate ; and that the policy and programme of the Republican Movement is based on the National plane , rather than the selfish and party plane of the political parties , the total of almost 66,000 first preference votes is a result most gratifying to those who love Ireland .

The total first preference votes cast in favour of the candidates of the Republican Movement gives an average of approximately 3,500 for the 19 Constituencies contested .......